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Andrew Kalb

4 Steps To A Successful Podcast

Podcast Movement, the largest podcasting event in the country, gets underway on Tuesday in Orlando.

The biggest names in the business, and novices alike, will be gathering to participate and listen to many panels, share what they know, network with others, and learn what they can during the four-day event.

Thankfully, this part of the audio landscape is exploding.

But just because everyone wants a podcast, doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone will get one or should have one.

It is essential to remember a few very important things, if you want to do it the right way.


Sounds simple, but it isn’t always the easiest thing to accomplish. We all, at times, get caught up in the excitement of the moment of a project, and forget to carefully think about everything from what we want to accomplish, how we want to do it, and finally, what our goal is.


What will make your podcast special? What do you have that stands out? What will make you pop among the community of many very strong podcasts? You have to stand out and get noticed.


Good wins. No way around it, but a very strong product must hit on all points and deliver what is expected. The listener may not know exactly what they want, but when they hear it, they will know it and stay with it.


Length definitely matters. You want to make sure to deliver on the investment of time your listener will be investing in your podcast. With that said, it is always better to leave your listener wanting more. You want them to come back. In today’s binge world, and depending on your podcast style, an episode 20 to 30 minutes might be best.

Hope to see you at Podcast Movement 2019.

Andrew Kalb is a broadcast and digital content consultant and strategist. Most recently he was head of programming and news coverage for ABC News Radio. At ABC News Radio, he developed and launched the daily news podcast, Start Here.

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